Friday, May 22, 2020

The Tale of Two Limit Exceeding Men Who Fell Short of...

The Tale of Two Limit Exceeding Men Who Fell Short of Personal Goals If all authors used the same tones, there would be no differences between books. Tone is the literary element that shows the authors attitudes toward a subject. In the beginning of the hero cycle, reverent tone is used many times, however, as the character progresses through the book, they begin to show their flaw, which, many times is revealed by the changing tones the author uses. In the conclusion of the story, they accept defeat with honor after discovering their flaw. Changing tones used by both Chinua Achebe in his book, Things Fall Apart, and William Shakespeare in his playwright, Othello, progress the tragic hero cycle of Okonkwo and Othello. In the beginning of†¦show more content†¦This quote, said by the Duke of Venice, one of the most powerful entities in the Venetian government, gives praise to Othello. Details are left out, such as, what Othello has accomplished to receive this honor, and the grandiose vocabulary used shows that this is a formal setting, which is a situation where Moors would not commonly be found. This creates a reverent tone by showing Othellos power and influence on the government. In the beginning of their respected pieces Mr. Achebe and Mr. Shakespeare use a tone of reverence to begin each tragic hero at their point of highest glory. To continue to progress the tragic hero cycle, both authors stray when Achebe uses a callous tone to progress Okonkwo and Shakespeare uses a sincere tone to progress Othello. In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo, after learning that his clan began to act cowardly while he was in his mothers town, became callous towards his clanmates. This is revealed by Chinua Achebe by the continuous disapproval of the clan by Okonkwo. Okonkwo has both lost his place in his society and he has not yet adapted to the change in thought about the white missionaries. He no longer desires to be apart of a clan who, like his father, is lazy and is not willing to take a stand against the new religion. His Hubris, his tragic flaw that is revealed through the use of tone, keep him from doing this. On the other hand, Othellos tragic flaw is him not confiding in Desdemona. OthellosShow MoreRelatedAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pagesit. Would you, or any organization, ever produce information if its expected costs exceeded its benefits? If so, provide some examples. If not, why not? Most organizations produce information only if its value exceeds its cost. However, there are two situations where information may be produced even if its cost exceeds its value. a. It is often difficult to estimate accurately the value of information and the cost of producing it. 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