Sunday, February 2, 2020

Leadership and management in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership and management in nursing - Essay Example General strategies for effecting changes in human systems are power coercive strategy; empirical-rational strategy; and normative/re-educative strategy. Though there are many change strategies, and responsibilities of pathway leadership is challenging, successful change will materialize only with the cooperation and commitment of those involved in the change process. Under these circumstances a case study of the challenges faced by a registered nurse, newly posted in orthopaedic ward of a regional hospital, is attempted to identify efficacy of different change strategies. All professional nurses prefer autonomy and control of their practice and want to apply their nursing knowledge and skills without interference from nurse managers, physicians, or persons in other discipline. â€Å"Changing clinical practice involves addressing deeply held beliefs and traditional rituals† and â€Å"developing new services often involves changing professional roles, boundaries, and loyalties,† because each profession has a unique set of values (Ridout 2002). Leading change is the mainstay of leadership skill, and â€Å"the person responsible for moving others who are affected by the change through its stages† is identified as a change agent ((Daly, Speedy and Jackson 2003, p.195). â€Å"The ability to harness internal motivation, the readiness to take responsibility and to persist, and the drive to stretch for higher performance, take risks, and accomplish goals typify leaders high in achievement, orientation and initiative† (Roussel & Swa nsburg 2008, p.123). General strategies for effecting changes in human systems identified by Robert Chin and D. Benne (1976) that are based on reasons people change their behaviour are: (1) power coercive strategy; (2) empirical-rational strategy; (3) and normative/re-educative strategy (cited by Nickols, 2003) â€Å"The power-coercive style is a top down dictatorial style to change† (Ridout 2002). The basic tenet of power-coercive

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