Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Prof. D. Wallace Kristian Papa Final Essay – 1 William Wells Brown & Frederick Douglass During the beginning of XVII century slaves narratives started to take another meaning. They were no longer writing just about their sufferings and how bad were their mistress. At this period we notice that famous narrative writers such as, Frederic Douglas and William Wells Brown, were focusing their writings on the importance of literacy. Their narratives are important for the fact that, now they want to make slaves to reflect about their situation. Later we are going to see how both of them, in a way, connect literacy with freedom. â€Å"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.†(Douglass, ***) This was the importance that Douglass gave to literacy. He thinks that now it’s the time when slaves should react. He sees as no other way to save their souls and lives, but to stand against their slaveholders for their rights. He reminds them that: â€Å"I prayed for freedom for twenty years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs† and â€Å"Without a struggle, there can be no progress.† (Douglass, ***) Adding this thoughts and actions to his narrative he prays also for the other slaves, so they will find the force to escape as Douglass did. We can see this call for freedom that should come from within the slave society, also in Wells Brown. "The last struggle for our rights, the battle for our civilization, is entirely with ourselves." (William Wells Brown, ***) The same as Douglass he points out that the problem is no more in the white society. The problem is that slaves are doing nothing to help themselves. On Wells Brown writing we can see also the fear that he feels when he argues that his people, along with their nation, are losi... ...nterpret Douglass stamen as a fear that whites felt. They felt fear from literacy. Somehow they see literacy as the rising of slaves and the ruining of whites. They saw literacy as the bridge that was destroyed from slave-owners in order to fit slaves in that category. They were afraid that literacy will bring freedom to slaves. In conclusion I would like mention the importance of literacy. We have seen that, that period, literacy was important in different ways. Literacy helped slaves to show to the world their sufferings, mistreatment and how they rights were taken away. Through their narratives they were able to start the â€Å"Abolitionist move† that was against slavery. Literacy, helped also in the conquest of slaves freedom. Through literacy they understood their rights and they saw that the gap that separated slaves form a free man was exactly, Literacy.

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